Do what is right for you..

Making authentically aligned decisions…

Every decision we make impacts our future and affects what happens next, life is complicated but it does give us the opportunity to choose what to do, making authentically aligned decisions make better choices but choosing what is right for you is not always easy.  Being authentic requires courage so making the right choice is a big deal because everything you do influences what happens next, everything you do shapes your future.  We are faced with decisions everyday, some we don’t give much thought to at all but others seem to stop us in our tracks, sometimes a decision feels serious.  Everything we do, all our choices, the big decisions and the littles ones, have implications which is why being authentic and doing what is right for you is so important. 

There is a knowingness within you that guides you, it is recognisable and feels heaven sent, somewhere deep within you do know what to do.  Becoming aware of this guidance, allow yourself time to consider what you to do when faced with choice, will help you identify what feels right, will help you make an authentically aligned decision. This knowingness may be as subtle as a whisper, just an inkling or it may be something stronger, like a haunting, the truth is there and when you act upon it, you do what is right for you, you act authentically.

Doing what is right for you isn’t always easy…

When you are faced with difficult decisions, complicated choices, when there is so much to consider, figuring out what is right for you isn’t easy, it’s not always clear and sometimes it’s implications are not apparent either.  Difficult decisions are complicated and hard to navigate, recognising the knowingness with you, whether it makes sense of not, and having the courage to act upon this insight will give you the confidence to do what you need to do.  Making authentically aligned decisions, learning to recognise this knowingness and its energy takes practise, instinctively knowing what to do when faced with a difficult choice is a blessing.  Using your inner guidance system gives you clarity, somewhere on some level you do know what you need to do, within you a direction calls to you.  In deeper contemplation, albeit a few breaths or taking a bit longer,  looking more deeply into the situation you’ll see there are signs, messages within, sensations that help you confirm you are on the right tract, you are authentically aligned in you what you are choosing to do.  

Sometimes the universe pulls the rug from under us and stops our flow, we are taken by surprise and forced to contemplate a sacrifice, an impossible choice, it is a situation where something has to give, this choice is about worth.  Will your sacrifice be worth it, will you be worthy of it, considering all the implications when faced with an impossible choice forces you to evaluate your priorities and this can be confronting. compromise is confronting.  Compromising too much or too much of yourself has implications too, going against your beliefs, doing something that doesn’t sit with you leads to discontentment and regret.  Finding your way through impossible choices begins with acceptance of the situation, then working through what you are going to do while still standing firm in your beliefs, when you are courageous in challenging situations you are inspirational.  Being able to prioritise and address the importance of the decision you are faced with so you make an authentically aligned choice when faced with sacrifice, make sure you are not sacrificing your ideals or undervaluing yourself as this will not benefit the situation, every situation you find yourself in, everything life presents you with, you still need to be authentic, to be true to you, doing what is right for you is the right thing to do.  Being authentic and honest about who you are and what you want serves everyone involved, this way everyone will know where you stand.  

Each of us has something unique to bring to any situation…

Being courageous and contemplating the right course of action is a process that is unique to you because you are unique, recognising your individual decision making process will help you understand why you do what you do.  Life is all about reacquainting yourself with your truth, the truth of who you are, the truth within you, recognising your process and being aware of your intentions, admitting to yourself why you are doing what you doing requires honesty and courage.  Being aware of why you do what you do is also liberating, owning your motivations and intentions gives you greater freedom, understanding yourself, who you really are, is liberating.  If you are trying to manipulate a situation you may be acting out of fear or insecurity because you don’t feel valued, if you are undervaluing yourself, how can you expect others to see your worth, all the energy you are putting to manipulate the situation could be channelled better into believing in yourself.  We are all unique, we all have unique ways of doing things, being authentic and making authentically aligned decisions connects you to the truth of who you are and this leads to greater understanding. 

Each of us has something unique to bring to any situation and each of us is just as important as the other, acting from a place of authenticity rather than a place of uncertainty will attract the better results.  Doing your best, being the best you can be, is your magic and everything life presents you with needs the magic you bring into it.  You are just as important as anyone else, being authentic in who you are and doing what feels right is what you should be doing.  You are worthy of living a life you are happy living, when you believe in yourself, when you make choices that are aligned to this belief, this knowingness that exists within you, you end up where you want to be and life becomes easier.  

Love life and life will love you back.
